Face to face & Online Therapy for Expats - English&Spanish Speakers


Paola Bobadilla

I’ve studied at schools of Transpersonal Psychology and Mysticism in Ireland, England, Canada, The Netherlands, Spain, Peru and Chili. I have completed a Master in Kabbalah at the School of Kabbalah and Psychology of Barcelona and I am part of the Transpersonal Therapist training course at The Transpersonal Institute of Ireland.

Along with higher education in Psychology I´ve received from Universities and Institutes, I am sincerely committed to my personal growth, which I have passionately led as a direct disciple of two Spiritual Teachers: Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi Kabbalist and founder of School of the Soul based in London, and Dr. Mario Sabán, Kabbalist and founder of the School of Kabbalah and Psychology in Spain.

Looking at reality from a non-ordinary perspective has always fascinated me.  In order to accomplish this expansion I've explored three streams of Ancient Wisdoms: my roots in native Mapuche culture of South America (where I come from), the Mysticism of Kabbalah and Vipassana and Samadhi meditation. Each of them have provided me with tools to extend my understanding on human nature, psychological processes, and their influence on our internal and external realities.

This is how I came to accomplish “my” therapeutic approach, which I offer my clients as effective techniques to Healing:

• Deep understanding and exploration of the personality, using the kabbalistic diagram of the Tree of Life.

• Dream analysis using Jungian Art therapy technique.

• Meditation as a tool to deepen self-knowledge and consciousness expansion, and as a natural transformative method for anxiety disorders and sleeping problems. 

• Dance therapy, Art therapy and Play therapy as creative expressions to help individuals achieve emotional, cognitive, physical, and social integration. 

• Representation of psychological conflicts on Jungian archetypal symbology.

• Exploration of unconscious patterns and components of inner conflict, trauma, physical pain and undesirable customs and behaviours, using the sacred kabbalistic diagram Tree of Life. 

• Use of natural oils (Doterra) and their application through Aromatouch Technique relaxing massage, to support and enhance the psychotherapeutic process.




“TP attempts to integrate timeless Wisdom with modern western Psychology and translate spiritual principles into scientifically grounded, contemporary language. It addresses the full spectrum of Human Psycho Spiritual development from our deepest wounds and needs to the existential crisis of the human being, to the most transcendent capacities of our consciousness.” (M.Caplan)


It is Dance Movement Therapy. Dance of the Soul intends to awaken and repair the body from repressed unconscious complexes, so it becomes a healthy vessel to house the Psyche and Soul, and get back in touch with emotions and feelings, promoting self-awareness, self-esteem and mind&body balance.


I’ve been practicing meditation for longer than 20 years, experiencing its benefits in myself. Thereby I integrated Meditation in my professional practice as an effective way of transformation. I teach my patients an Integrative way of Therapeutic Meditation and muscle relaxation to naturally overcome psychosomatic issues, gain self-knowledge and consciousness expansion.

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about paola bobadilla


In a Therapeutic Play setting, repressed thoughts and emotions are acted out. Children and adults do not need to tell about their inner conflicts, but they are expressed in a Creative way, allowing painful thoughts and feelings to rise gently to the surface of consciousness, be addressed and worked through in Therapy.


AromaTouch massage technique is an approach to applying 100% pure natural Oils along the back, ears, hands and foot, where all the nerve endings of organs are found.
It is a Natural therapeutic way to balance body and mind by reducing physical and emotional stressors.

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