Face to face & Online Therapy for Expats - English&Spanish Speakers


Holistic therapy

What is holistic therapy?  

In my psychology practice for expats in Wassenaar, I meet people every day who are looking for help with life questions, and people who are looking for a therapeutic way to deal with physical and mental complaints resulting from trauma. Experiences gained in life, the reaction to these experiences and/or suppressed feelings find their effect in both body and mind. Holistic therapy is based on the idea that physical and mental well-being are strongly connected. 

In holistic therapy, the human being is always considered as a whole. Body, mind, soul and spirit are not considered separate parts. In a holistic therapeutic approach, we look at how body, mind, soul and spirit work together. In holistic therapeutic healing, all parts are addressed. 

Together with my clients, I analyse the language of their symptoms and explain the cause-and-effect relationship. Answers can be found, and healing is provided through the various holistic forms of therapy I offer. 

  • Integrative Psychology

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    Integrative Psychology


What is meant by a holistic approach within psychology? 

More and more people are unable to find a remedy for their illnesses, complaints or questions in conventional medicine or psychotherapy, where causes and answers are sought from a one-sided perspective. Holistic therapy is a holistic approach and is therefore not limited to research and explanations from medicine alone. Within a holistic therapeutic approach, coherence is assumed. It observes how the different parts of an individual work together without viewing these parts as separate processes. To discover and understand why people behave in a certain way, have a certain thought pattern or experience certain problems, holistic therapy approaches the person as a whole. 

Holistic therapy is a very effective treatment option. Because we look at many different aspects and include them in the therapy, there is a chance to recognize, find and heal the real causes of complaints. 

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For whom is holistic therapy suitable? 

  • Are you looking for psychological help during a mental crisis? 
  • Do you experience anxiety and panic disorders, depression, or trauma? 
  • Do you want a holistic approach to answer life's questions that you struggle with? 
  • Do you want to learn to deal with psychological problems or conflicts from the perspective of your being? 
  • Do you experience physical complaints, but no physical cause can be found? 

If you are experiencing psychological problems, it makes sense to seek therapeutic help. I help you deal with your emotional problems and personal challenges with holistic psychotherapy and counselling. Skilled and sensitive, I guide you on your way out of the crisis. It is my conviction that the classical approach of talk therapy does not always lead to the desired result. A holistic-psychological approach is effective because it approaches all aspects of the person and the problems: the physical and mental, but also the Soul. 

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  • Anxiety therapy and healing

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How does holistic therapy work in my practice? 

The concept of holistic therapy is based on my psychological knowledge gained during classical training at University, studies at schools of Transpersonal Psychology and Mysticism, the training as Master in the mysticism of Kabbalah at the School of Kabbalah and Psychology of Barcelona and my training as a Transpersonal Therapist at the Transpersonal Institute of Ireland. In my practice, I also integrate elements from humanistic therapy and depth psychology. The approach chosen is always one that meets the needs of the client. 

Healing through holistic therapy   

During a first consultation, I will ask you many questions about your well-being, conditioning, thoughts, feelings, and internal and external factors. Together we will try to find out what you want to change or achieve. Holistic therapy always focuses on the human being as a whole. 

When the desired changes are about learning to understand your behaviour, we will take a closer look at your values, and conditioning roles, as is done in depth psychology. The focus is primarily on the past, but holistic therapy itself is future oriented. 

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What methods can we work with in holistic therapy? 

Just like any other psychologist, as a psychological therapist, I am highly skilled in deep analysis of the psyche, to which I also add complementary healing techniques that contribute to the transformation of the person into a happier and more fulfilled human being.

The methods I work with within my holistic practice: 

  • In-depth understanding and exploration of the personality, using the Kabbalistic diagram of the Tree of Life. 
  • Dream analysis using Jungian Art therapy technique. 
  • Meditation as a tool for deepening self-knowledge and expanding consciousness and as a natural transformative method for anxiety disorders and sleep problems. 
  • Dance therapy, art therapy and play therapy as creative expressions to help individuals achieve emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration. 
  • Representation of psychological conflicts on Jungian archetypal symbology. 
  • Exploration of unconscious patterns and components of inner conflict, trauma, physical pain and unwanted customs and behaviours. 
  • Reiki and spiritual healing using the 72 Divine Names.
  • Cleansing and rebalancing of chakras, body-mind-soul using the Hebrew Pendulum.
  • Use of natural oils (Doterra) and their application through the Aromatouch Technique relaxing massage, to support and enhance the psychotherapeutic process. 

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