Alternative healing, is that something for me? when looking for an alternative healing therapist, you need to consider that within alternative healing, therapists assume that health comes from a harmonious balance between body, mind and soul, therefore to maintain this balance, alternative healing methods are approached from a non-ordinary perspective, aiming to awaken the self-healing capacity innate in each of us.
In today's world full of challenges and total sensory overload, active stress management and healing are more important than ever. Trauma, unprocessed emotional stress, sadness, pain, etc. have a significant impact and limit the quality of life and freedom of action, leading often to psychosomatic complaints that can be addressed by alternative healing, also called alternative therapy.
In my practice for alternative healing, you will find a professional approach where you can feel safe and walk the path to healing.
For my work as an alternative therapist, I studied formal instruction in Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology, but alternative methods of healing continued to appeal to my soul and heart as well. A lot has to do with my background. I am rooted in the indigenous Mapuche culture of South America (where I come from), and for longer than 15 years I have studied the mysticism of Kabbalah, and three methods of meditation: Kabbalistic, Vipassana and Samadhi. The influence of these wisdom traditions has led me to offer alternative forms of healing.
In my practice for alternative healing, I offer the following forms of alternative therapies:
Transpersonal psychology is a holistic approach that deals with the relationship to wholeness and has close ties to the spiritual. Transpersonal Psychology is a form of Alternative therapy or alternative healing that reaches deeper than the ego-mind consciousness. The therapy has characteristics of conventional psychology, spirituality and ancient wisdom. Three important elements of transpersonal therapies are: 'being', 'recognizing' and 'doing'. Transpersonal psychology is a method of better understanding man's relationship to himself, and the spiritual within a therapeutic context.
Kabbalah is a body of knowledge that unites philosophy, psychology, science and mysticism to understand our human experience and our relationship with divinity. Therefore, Kabbalah is constituted as a powerful tool for the understanding and healing of all our life experiences, including our traumatic experiences. It helps us to know the relationship between mental or physical problems in relation to the needs of our soul.
With this wisdom and insights, it is possible to embark on the path of change. In my practice, I have been working with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life for many years as an analytical tool to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the mind, body, emotions, the soul, and ultimately the Spirit.
Healing Meditation and breathwork are used as an effective way of transformation. This form of therapy teaches you to relax the muscles naturally and to release inner tensions. This makes room to allow yourself to overcome psychosomatic problems, increase self-knowledge, and expand awareness.
Artistic expressions can be used in alternative healing, they allow us to gently approach to the core of a trauma or any psychological conflict. Since trauma triggers intense suffering, sometimes works as an obstacle for healing. So, creative alternative healing appeals to the intuitive revealing unconscious elements from a person's life story, releasing repressed thoughts and emotions. Both the body and the mind are stimulated to heal themselves through an intuitive form of expression.
Since 2015 I am a certified Aroma touch Massage therapist, using 100% pure essential oils.
This form of alternative mental health therapy is relaxing, invigorating, healing and strengthens the immune system. Aromatherapy is very applicable as a therapy aimed at removing anxiety&stress and rebalancing the chakras.
Do you have any questions about how alternative healing therapy can help you? I'm very happy to answer them.
"Paola offers a safe and caring environment from where to explore presenting concerns and challenges. She gently leads the way for self-exploration of areas of need and works within the boundaries of what feels comfortable and accessible. In a kind and professional way Paola implements different therapeutic strategies to support emotional understanding, growth and healing on surface and deeper levels. Her therapy sessions are interesting and varied so that one can approach questions and concerns from different angles leading to new insights and understanding.
It is indeed a privilege working with Paola."
Expat - South Africa
“Invito a vivir este viaje interior de la mano de Paola. Mi trabajo con ella me permitió elevar la conciencia de mi cuerpo y mente.
(I invite you to explore this inner journey with Paola. My work with her has allowed me to shift from body/mind awareness to a higher consciousness awareness)
Expat - Chile
“Paola is a great professional with a very compassionate heart. She teaches from years of experience with ease and involvement. She cares deeply about her students and clients, with integrity and commitment. I highly recommend her."
Expat - US
“Paola heeft mij goed geholpen om tot rust te komen. Ik ben altijd erg druk als ondernemer en zat vaak met veel gedachten en heel veel taken. Ze heeft me leren rusten door te mediteren en healing massages. Ik heb ADHD en daarom is het lastig om te mediteren, te rusten en niet te veel na te denken, maar dankzij Paola kan ik veel beter de dagelijkse taken aan en is mijn stress leven vele malen lager dan voorheen. Dankjewel Paola!"
(Paola helped me to relax and calm down. I am always busy and stressed. She tought me to meditate and she gave me healing massages with essencial oils. I have ADHD so it´s difficult to meditate and relax, but thanks to Paola's treatment, I am able to manage stress much better than before. Thank you Paola!
Rini - Netherlands
“I have followed courses on Kabbalah and Meditation with Paola. Her approach is absolutely clear and she is a fabulous guidance. It is definitely a gift to work with her. I really recommend Paola”
Expat - France
I´d like to thank you for all what you´ve done for me, I have no words to express how grateful I am. You helped me to open my mind to new and wide perspectives which I never considered before in my life. I never thought they could even exist. My Soul feels so much at peace. You´ve helped me to discover aspects of myself that I will use for the rest of my life. I feel my Soul wanted to find yours... Thank you for each of our sessions. I learnt so much. And thank you for being there every single time I´ve needed you.
Expat - Ecuador
I am accredited in The Netherlands as a psychosocial and naturopathic therapist, meeting Dutch Wkkgz quality standards.
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