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Alternative mental health therapy by paola Bobadilla

March 1, 2022

Alternative Mental Health Therapy Practice

alternative mental health therapy

Alternative Mental Health Therapy Practice The Hague

I am graduated in Psychology and Licensed in Psychological Sciences from University in Chile. And further I’ve studied at schools of Transpersonal Psychology and Mysticism in Ireland, England, Canada, The Netherlands, Spain, Peru and Chili. I’m also a student of a Master in Kabbalah at the School of Kabbalah and Psychology of Barcelona, and I am part of the Transpersonal Therapist training course at The Transpersonal Institute of Ireland. Through the years I’ve worked in multiple countries. Currently, I’m working as therapist for expats as an Alternative Therapist in Mental Health Care in Wassenaar. I’m certified according to the Dutch Wkkgz quality standards.

The alternative mental health therapy I offer, is aimed at developing or increasing conscious mental health. The therapies I use for this are aimed at a deep analysis of subjective identity, analysis of dreams, dance-art-play therapy, Jungian archetypal symbology, breathing/relaxation techniques, and therapeutic meditation.

The alternative mental health therapy with which I help you is a loving method in which there is a lot of room for creativity, playfulness, and self-examination. During the trajectory you follow, I do not use clinical psychiatric diagnoses. I guide you and encourage you to look at conflicts and find their meaning. From there, the way is cleared to the deepest inner source and the discovery of the Self. This ultimately leads to recovery and maintains mental balance.

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The following Alternative mental health therapy is offered: 

Dance Therapy

The Alternative mental health therapy in the field of dance and expression I have called 'Dance of the soul'. This form of Dance Movement Therapy sets the body in motion very intuitively. This allows the body to free itself from suppressed unconscious complexes. Dance Therapy brings you into contact with feelings and emotions. By letting it flow in motion, the invitation to connect with the mind arises and self-awareness, self-esteem and balance between body and mind are increased.


Transpersonal Psychology 

Transpersonal psychology is an alternative mental health therapy in which spiritual wisdom is combined with modern psychology. Mind and body may be healed when the Soul and the Spirit are integrated in the process. To recognize who you really are, you have to push the door in.

The path of life can ask a lot of us because it is necessary to break inherited and socialized schedules and feel the encompassing and the underlying. When you begin to pause, enter the silence, let go of ready-made concepts, allow for more mindfulness, openness, and love, you become more permeable to the essence, the inner voice, and the life-promoting potential.

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alternative mental health therapy

Psychology & Kabbalah

Are you still on your one 'right' path, or have you lost sight of the goal along the way? Through the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn reasons for difficulties and illnesses. With this knowledge, processes can be changed, and we recognize the deep intention on which we have based this life. For 15 years I have been using the Kabbalist Tree of Life as a tool for analysis, to help people visualize their mental schema with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of their mental organization and its relationship with the body, emotions, Soul and ultimately their Spirit.

Therapeutic Meditation & Breathing exercises for stress management and relief 

Therapeutic Meditation & Breathing techniques are a form of alternative mental health therapy. Meditation exercises and breath work are used as an effective way of transformation. This form of therapy teaches you to relax the muscles in a very natural way and to release inner tensions. This makes room to allow your own self, to overcome psychosomatic problems, to increase self-knowledge and to expand awareness.

Art therapy

Therapeutic Meditation & Breathing techniques are a form of alternative mental health therapy. Meditation exercises and breath work are used as an effective way of transformation. This form of therapy teaches you to relax the muscles in a very natural way and to release inner tensions. This makes room to allow your own self, to overcome psychosomatic problems, to increase self-knowledge and to expand awareness.

Play therapy

Play therapy is a form of alternative mental health therapy that releases repressed thoughts and emotions by playing them out. For a child, play plays a crucial role in his development. Game therapy is a method of expressing inner conflicts in a creative way. Play therapy is an invitation to raise painful thoughts and feelings, where they can be processed in therapy. The body and mind are stimulated with play therapy to heal. We work with the naturally innate play instinct. 

Stress & anxiety management

Since 2015 I am a certified Aroma touch Massage Therapist. Aroma touch Massage is an approach to applying natural oils along the back, ears, hands and foot, where all nerve endings of organs are found. This form of alternative mental health therapy is generating, protective and immune-boosting and generates balance between body and mind. It fits within a therapy that is aimed at removing anxiety and dealing with stress.


Do you have any questions? I’m very happy to answer them.

Paola Bobadilla

Call & WhatsApp: +31648482097

Email: explore@paolabobadilla.eu


Look for reimbursements and possibilities from insurers on the following pages:

For more info about insurance reimbursement: https://catcomplementair.nl/soorten-therapie/

For more info about insurance: https://www.catcomplementair.nl/vergoeding-zorgverzekeraars/

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