The overall goal of healing trauma with alternative therapy is to holistically approach and heal an overwhelming traumatic experience. A person-centered method is used, that is, No rigid treatment protocols are used, since it is understood that each person is different and each person copes with her pain in a different way.
A transpersonal, holistic or alternative psychologist does not focus on "diagnosing" the trauma, but instead helps the person heal the wounds left by the trauma under safe therapeutic conditions.
Healing trauma with alternative therapy, holistic therapy or transpersonal therapy can be achieved in my practice through the healing path of:
During this process, which can take two or more sessions, we relive all the emotions that come to the surface. This is one of the keys to healing. Since the healing of a trauma is not achieved with the mere mental recapitulation of the experience, which certainly contributes, but I help you to allow all the expressions of the trauma to manifest freely without blocking them or repressing them in any way.
Trauma is a wound that goes through all the layers of the Being: the physical body, the mind, the emotions and the Soul. Sometimes it produces unbearable noticeable pain, but sometimes it can be asleep and the person can feel resolved. However, undoubtedly the person feels that something is wrong in her life, since she finds him/herself in recurring conflicts with herself or in relationships with family, work or life in general.
A trauma has deep roots, which direct our decisions and the way we carry out our lives. Those decisions can be very positive and constructive, but most of the time they tend to be negative and destructive: such as choosing toxic relationships, substance addiction, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, emotional impulsiveness, etc.
In conflict situations, traumatized people feel powerless to resolve the situation. They may experience fear, and alienation or the person may become hardened and reticent. Traumatized people avoid situations in life that may be related to the experienced trauma, this changes behavior, thinking and acting. Some people avoid places, thoughts, feelings, conversations, etc. Others avoid close emotional contact and suffer from feelings of guilt and helplessness.
When a trauma has not been healed, it can even lead to physical illness whose root is difficult to trace.
Post-traumatic stress is a natural response of the body and psyche to a deeply distressing experience. When people have gone through a traumatic experience, paradoxically, stress appears as a defense mechanism. Post-traumatic stress or anxiety is warning the person that they are in danger.
This "danger" is almost always an erroneous reading of reality, and it comes from the impact produced by the trauma, keeping the person in a state of uncontrollable irrational anxiety that disturbs the normal development of daily life. Even when the traumatic event took place weeks, months or even years ago. When this happens, we speak of post-traumatic stress/anxiety.
A psychologist trained in alternative therapies has therapeutic tools from clinical psychology (scientific… to call it one way); and in addition, she has tools from humanistic, holistic, and/or transpersonal psychology. Which is why the alternative therapy that I provide is a safe way to undertake the journey of healing from trauma.
Holistic trauma therapy is a comprehensive, revealing, and deep psychological method. I include everything that happens in your life and has a meaning for your development in the therapeutic work, every aspect of your Soul, your psyche, your body, your life, and your environment(s).
Trauma therapy means that together with you we find out the extent of your post-traumatic stress, which parts of your system are affected, which chronic diseases and which psychological disorders burden your daily life and influence your life.
For successful therapy it is not enough to know what happened, to talk about it again and again or to imagine that it is over now. You have to deal with all the events that still burden your life today and remember and feel all the feelings that you have repressed. This "re-experiencing" in adulthood enables you to "reintegrate" the personality parts that were split off at the time of the traumatization and to continue the interrupted development of your personality.
The healing journey using alternative therapy, transpersonal therapy or holistic therapy, must be carried out with a Professional Therapist or psychologist with extensive experience on alternative holistic healing, since the therapist or psychologist must know how to direct the person towards the deepest pain and then bring him back to a state of peace and calmness.
"Paola offers a safe and caring environment from where to explore presenting concerns and challenges. She gently leads the way for self-exploration of areas of need and works within the boundaries of what feels comfortable and accessible. In a kind and professional way Paola implements different therapeutic strategies to support emotional understanding, growth and healing on surface and deeper levels. Her therapy sessions are interesting and varied so that one can approach questions and concerns from different angles leading to new insights and understanding.
It is indeed a privilege working with Paola."
Expat - South Africa
“Invito a vivir este viaje interior de la mano de Paola. Mi trabajo con ella me permitió elevar la conciencia de mi cuerpo y mente.
(I invite you to explore this inner journey with Paola. My work with her has allowed me to shift from body/mind awareness to a higher consciousness awareness)
Expat - Chile
“Paola is a great professional with a very compassionate heart. She teaches from years of experience with ease and involvement. She cares deeply about her students and clients, with integrity and commitment. I highly recommend her."
Expat - US
“Paola heeft mij goed geholpen om tot rust te komen. Ik ben altijd erg druk als ondernemer en zat vaak met veel gedachten en heel veel taken. Ze heeft me leren rusten door te mediteren en healing massages. Ik heb ADHD en daarom is het lastig om te mediteren, te rusten en niet te veel na te denken, maar dankzij Paola kan ik veel beter de dagelijkse taken aan en is mijn stress leven vele malen lager dan voorheen. Dankjewel Paola!"
(Paola helped me to relax and calm down. I am always busy and stressed. She tought me to meditate and she gave me healing massages with essencial oils. I have ADHD so it´s difficult to meditate and relax, but thanks to Paola's treatment, I am able to manage stress much better than before. Thank you Paola!
Rini - Netherlands
“I have followed courses on Kabbalah and Meditation with Paola. Her approach is absolutely clear and she is a fabulous guidance. It is definitely a gift to work with her. I really recommend Paola”
Expat - France
I´d like to thank you for all what you´ve done for me, I have no words to express how grateful I am. You helped me to open my mind to new and wide perspectives which I never considered before in my life. I never thought they could even exist. My Soul feels so much at peace. You´ve helped me to discover aspects of myself that I will use for the rest of my life. I feel my Soul wanted to find yours... Thank you for each of our sessions. I learnt so much. And thank you for being there every single time I´ve needed you.
Expat - Ecuador
I am accredited in The Netherlands as a psychosocial and naturopathic therapist, meeting Dutch Wkkgz quality standards.
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